Editorial Cartoons ("the USA")

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Trump tax cuts

Trump tax cuts

December 12, 2017

Trump meets the pope

Trump meets the pope

May 27, 2017

Emmanuel Macron wins

Emmanuel Macron wins

May 9, 2017

Theresa May visits Donald Trump

Theresa May visits Donald Trump

January 29, 2017

Dawn of the Trump era

Dawn of the Trump era

November 15, 2016

The pope comes to the U.S.

The pope comes to the U.S.

September 23, 2015

European Lifeguard

European Lifeguard

April 25, 2015

Helpless Europe

Helpless Europe

April 22, 2015

Death in the Mediterranean

Death in the Mediterranean

April 22, 2015

Taxing the wealthy

Taxing the wealthy

February 4, 2015

Bush and the torture report

Bush and the torture report

December 14, 2014

The Bush Museum

The Bush Museum

December 14, 2014

Torture in question

Torture in question

December 10, 2014

Obama meets Pope Francis

Obama meets Pope Francis

March 29, 2014

U.S. curbs military help to Egypt

U.S. curbs military help to Egypt

October 11, 2013