Editorial Cartoons (Communism)

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Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il

October 15, 2006

North Korea To Test Atom Bomb

North Korea To Test Atom Bomb

October 6, 2006

Energy Wars In South America

Energy Wars In South America

May 5, 2006

China,Rich and Poor

China,Rich and Poor

March 10, 2006

George W Bush in Georgia

George W Bush in Georgia

May 11, 2005

Victory Day - 60 Years

Victory Day - 60 Years

May 6, 2005

Fight Over Ukraine

Fight Over Ukraine

November 27, 2004

Ukrainian Election Stolen

Ukrainian Election Stolen

November 26, 2004

North Korea is not Iraq

North Korea is not Iraq

January 22, 2003

North Korea's Nuclear Plans

North Korea's Nuclear Plans

October 23, 2002

Fall of the Berlin Wall

Fall of the Berlin Wall

November 9, 1989