Editorial Cartoons ("U.S. election")

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Sarkozy President

Sarkozy President

May 7, 2007

Before The French Election

Before The French Election

April 20, 2007

Justice Awaits Jacques Chirac

Justice Awaits Jacques Chirac

March 16, 2007

Al Gore receives an Oscar

Al Gore receives an Oscar

March 1, 2007

Al Gore receives an Oscar

Al Gore receives an Oscar

March 1, 2007

Democrats: the Obama Effect

Democrats: the Obama Effect

December 14, 2006

Barack Obama,star of the Democrats

Barack Obama,star of the Democrats

December 13, 2006

All because of Iraq

All because of Iraq

November 12, 2006

Republican Defeat

Republican Defeat

November 10, 2006

Bush Loses Congress

Bush Loses Congress

November 9, 2006

The Race For Congress

The Race For Congress

November 5, 2006

Iraq And U.S. Politics

Iraq And U.S. Politics

November 3, 2006

Blair pushed toward Exit

Blair pushed toward Exit

September 8, 2006

Hillary for President

Hillary for President

May 19, 2006

Disputed Election in Italy

Disputed Election in Italy

April 12, 2006